Aeration tanks, mixing

Get the optimal use of energy consumption in your sewage treatment plant with efficient mixing of aeration tanks.

Related products

Best oxygen transfer

With a mixer from Landia, aeration tanks are mixed by creating a horizontal flow in the wastewater. The water is moved around the tank at a predetermined velocity. Which ensures the best oxygen transfer and prevents the sludge from settling.


Energy-efficient mixing

Landia supplied the first mixers for aeration tanks in the 1980s.

Continued testing, research and development has meant that we have kept up with the times and today can offer energy-efficient mixing combined with the longest equipment life in the industry – something we are of course willing to guarantee!

Landia supplied the first mixers for aeration tanks in the 1980s. Continued testing, research and development has meant that we have kept up with the times and today can offer energy-efficient mixing combined with the longest equipment life in the industry – something we are of course willing to guarantee!

- says Ib Pedersen,
Team Leader at Vandcenter Syd WWTP.

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Case studies - wastewater


New digester mixing system delivers better yields for Eco Verde Energy (EVE)

Online, one can find no end of advice on mixing systems for biogas digesters; often going into great detail about impeller designs, speeds and angles – but away from the office desk, speak to a Plant Manager or AD operator, and they’ll soon tell you that even the best mixing system in the world isn’t something that they want – inside the tank.

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Daphne finds prime solution for primary problematical lift station

Following an intensive 5-day survey of its wastewater treatment process, the highly renowned brewery, Timothy Taylor’s has upgraded its aeration process by introducing the AirJet system from Landia.

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New biogas production landmark for Scottish Water’s acclaimed sludge facility at Nigg

If we took a short trip forward in time to 2040, and then looked back at how some organisations in the water industry successfully achieved Carbon Net Zero, it’s likely you’ll see a large four-letter word: NIGG.

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Daphne finds prime solution for primary problematical lift station

Suck it up, pressurize it and send it to the treatment plant. In theory, this should be a straightforward job for pumps at a lift station. However, as we all know, the curse of so-called ‘flushable’ products in our sewer systems is also proving that some so-called ‘non-clogging pumps’ are getting clogged.

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Long-lasting Chopper Pumps continue to go hell for leather

When Pittards, the leading leather goods producer, moved part of its manufacturing process from Leeds to Yeovil, they made very sure that its long-serving wastewater pumps went with them.

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The Valley Center way - combining energy savings now – with total cost of ownership

At Valley Center Wastewater Treatment Plant, and at an increasing number of facilities across Kansas, the decision to buy the more expensive equipment at the outset is proving to be the most economic. Savings in long-term maintenance are important, but in the shorter term, energy savings are fundamental.

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Huge savings made at leachate treatment plant

At a landfill’s leachate treatment centre, where floating biomass was reducing the plant’s throughput, the introduction by Viridian Systems of a new mixer has created annual savings on chemicals of around £85,000.

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Mix to the max at Yorkshire Water’s major new Energy & Recycling Facility

At Yorkshire Water’s new £50M Huddersfield Energy and Recycling Facility (E&RF), the digester mixing system from Whitchurch-based Landia is ensuring that total gas production can reach its anticipated 22,192Nm³/d (normal cubic meter/day).

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No more FOG, as major crust problem caused by Fats, Oils and Greases is defeated

Throughout Ohio there is a large a number of meat/food processing plants and municipal sites whose wastewater system is plagued by fats, oils, greases (FOG) and debris.

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A Better Blend

An automated mixing system helps an Illinois treatment plant improve biogas production and increase volatile solids destruction.

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A strong partner with extensive experience in biogas

You will not find anyone who has more experience with pumping and mixing solutions for biogas plants than Landia. We have been involved since the biogas industry’s infancy in Denmark, and today you will find Landia products in biogas plants worldwide.

The biogas industry is growing year by year and we are keeping pace. 

When you contact Landia, you will speak with employees who know the industry, including some who have worked in biogas plants themselves.

This is how we develop the best solution with you
